Interlock Concrete

Interlock Cement


About us

Lunuwilage Sadeep Niroshana (BA)

(Justice of Peace Whole Island)

The presence of intricate pavement art run far in the history of our country. During the time of the Dutch, the fort and other notable areas they built were embossed with it, and we walk on them even today. When we entered the market in 2001, interlocking pavement stones were not a common sight in Sri Lanka. At the time, it was mostly imported from India and a costly affair sold with high margins and therefore, only visible in a very few places such as petrol sheds. The beauty and diversity in the colours and shapes that we see today, were not available then. Once we started manufacturing it and supplying it, these stones started to appear in many locations and people began to notice it and suddenly, these stones started beautifying the pavements, walking paths and public areas we use daily!

Our Vision

To become the number 1 paving contractor for the infrastructure development in Sri Lanka. As the best paving contractor focusing on safety, profitability, and sustainability and deliver first-class service products, and solutions to meet our valued customer`s satisfaction.


Provide the best paving solution for every project by speeding up its construction process, keeping it safe, and with great quality. Maintain and increase our business relationship with customers and suppliers. Keep growing as an honorable, reliable, and competitive paving contractor where every employee is motivated to trace targets and share the experience.

Interlock Concrete

Interlock Cement


Exterior Design

Cement Blocks

Turf & Tile


Keep it Touch


338, MDH Jayawardena Mawatha,Sampath Watta, Koratota, Kaduwela.


722/17, Abayapura, Athurugiriya


077 760 2789
